Z is for Zoom #AtoZChallenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I have chosen the theme of antagonists.

On my normal blogging days, Monday – parenting and Thursday – writing/publishing, I will tie that day’s topic to antagonists but on the other days (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), I will write about antagonists from movies, TVs or books. On Wednesdays, my Quote of the Week will be from an antagonist that matches the letter of the day. Enjoy.

Z is for Zoom, the super villain and archenemy of Barry Allen (aka The Flash). In the DC comic world there are two characters that are known as Zoom. They are also known as the Reverse-Flash. (There are three additional characters in addition to the ones listed here as Zoom that were called the Reverse-Flash.)

The first is Professor Eobard “Zoom” Thawne. He debuted as the Reverse-Flash in 1963. His costume is the reverse of The Flash, yellow with highlights of red.

The other character is Hunter Zolomon. He is the archenemy of Wally West (aka Kid Flash). He first appeared in 2002. In the beginning, he was actually friends with Wally, and he decided to make Wally a better hero by causing him to suffer a great personal tragedy or loss like the previous Flashes.

Both Zoom characters can travel at super-human speeds and as with most villains, they have a twisted sense that what they are doing is “right.” And as with many comic book characters, there are many storylines pitting these super villains against The Flash in his many incarnations.

And in case you want to check out my other antagonists from the challenge…

A is for Apocalypse

B is for Bad Boys (parenting)

C is for Cruella de Vil

D is for Darth Vader (Quote)

D is for To Die for Cake (Recipe)

E is for Evil (Writing)

F is for Freddy Kruger

G is for Gollum

H is for High School (parenting)

I is for Iron Monger

J is for Jafar (Quote)

K is for Killers (Writing)

L is for Loki

M is for Maleficent

N is for No (parenting)

O is for Oggie Boogie

P is for Professor Moriarty (Quote)

Q is for Questions (Writing)

R is for the Riddler

S is for Sauron 

T is for Technology (parenting)

U is for Ursula

V is for Voldemort (Quote)

W is for Witches (writing)

X is for Xenomorph

Y is for Yondu 

L is for Loki #AtoZChallenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I have chosen the theme of antagonists.

On my normal blogging days, Monday – parenting and Thursday – writing/publishing, I will tie that day’s topic to antagonists but on the other days (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), I will write about antagonists from movies, TVs or books. On Wednesdays, my Quote of the Week will be from an antagonist that matches the letter of the day. Enjoy. 

L is for Loki. Now when I chose this super villain, I was thinking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in which actor Tom Hiddleston plays the nemesis of his adopted brother Thor.

The character Loki is based on the trickster god of the same name from Norse mythology and was created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby. He first appeared in Venus No. 6 (August 1949).

Loki delights in finding new ways to be mischievous. He possesses the ability to manipulate magical forces for a variety of purposes: creation of force field, temporarily increase his own physical strength, cast illusions and manipulate the mind.

In the MCU, Loki first appeared in Thor (2011) where he spends most of his time trying to prove his worth as a son to Odin and that he should be considered worthy to be the future ruler of Asgard. He was also the antagonist in Marvel’s The Avengers (2012) as he attempts to harness the Tesseract’s power to open a portal allowing for an alien invasion that will let him take over Earth.  His latest appearance in the MCU is in Thor: The Dark World (2013) where he helps Thor before becoming fatally wounded. Of course, it is revealed at the end of The Dark World that Loki hasn’t died. He is set to be back for Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and IW’s untitled sequel (2019).

In addition to being a main character in the MCU, he has appeared on many TV shows (live and animated) as well as in video games and of course the comics. Though he is often portrayed as a super villain, sometimes he is depicted as an antihero which is one of the reasons he is such an intriguing character.

And in case you want to check out my other antagonists from the challenge…

A is for Apocalypse

B is for Bad Boys (parenting)

C is for Cruella de Vil

D is for Darth Vader (Quote)

D is for To Die for Cake (Recipe)

E is for Evil (Writing)

F is for Freddy Kruger

G is for Gollum

H is for High School (parenting)

I is for Iron Monger

J is for Jafar (Quote)

K is for Killers (Writing)

I is for Iron Monger #AtoZChallenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I have chosen the theme of antagonists.

On my normal blogging days, Monday – parenting and Thursday – writing/publishing, I will tie that day’s topic to antagonists but on the other days (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), I will write about antagonists from movies, TVs or books. On Wednesdays, my Quote of the Week will be from an antagonist that matches the letter of the day. Enjoy. 

I is for the Iron Monger, a Marvel Comics supervillain. He first appeared in Iron Man #163 (1982) as Obadiah Stane, a genius with an ego problem. (That certainly a common supervillain problem.) He creates the Iron Monger armor (I-M Mark One) which he believes is better than his rival Tony Stark’s Iron Man armor. Unlike the Iron Man armor, this own armor is externally computer-controlled.

After Stane’s death, several other characters don the armor or construct their own Iron Monger suit. This includes Simon Steele, Joey Cosmatos and Stane’ son, Zeke Stane.

Jeff Bridges plays Obadiah Stane in the movie Iron Man (2008). Here he is the best friend and business partner of billionaire Howard Stark (Tony’s father), and does in fact build his own Iron Monger suit to battle with Tony.

And in case you want to check out my other antagonists from the challenge…

A is for Apocalypse

B is for Bad Boys (parenting)

C is for Cruella de Vil

D is for Darth Vader (Quote)

D is for To Die for Cake (Recipe)

E is for Evil (Writing)

F is for Freddy Kruger

G is for Gollum

H is for High School (parenting)

T is for Thor #AtoZChallenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I have chosen the theme of characters. On my normal blogging days, Monday – parenting, Wednesday – quotes, and Thursday – writing/publishing, I will focus on characteristics. On the other days (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), I will write about characters from movies, TVs or books.

TjpgToday the letter is T for Thor, the hammer-wielding god of Norse mythology. With his red hair and beard and thunderbolt weapon, Thor is often considered a sky god or the god of Thunder.

thor2In 1962, Marvel introduced the superhero Thor based on the Norse god. Here he is pictured with blond hair and as immensely strong. He is superb at hand-to-hand combat and excels in the use of the war hammer, sword, axe and mace. His mythical hammer (Mjolnir) can summon the elements of a storm and allows him to fly.

He is one of the founder members of the superhero team The Avengers which began in the comics in the 1960s and continues through today. Thor is later played by Chris Hemsworth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, and Avengers: Age of Ultron. 

If you missed the other days in the A to Z Challenge:

A is for Alice

B is for Belgarath 

C is for Cautious Child

D is for Dana Scully

E is for Enthusiasm (Quote) and Southwestern Eggrolls (Recipe)

F is for Flaky Character 

G is for Gandalf 

H is for Huckleberry Finn

I is for Independence 

J is for Jason Bourne

K is for Kind (Quote)

L is for Lazy Characters

M is for Merlin

N is for Nancy Clancy

O is for Organized

P is for Puss in Boots

Q is for Quiet

R is for Rebellious Characters

S is for Sherlock Holmes