Parenting: A Whole New World

Besides being a writer, I am also the mother of two kids. I titled my blog, Into Another World, not just as a reference to reading books where you are transporting into another world but because becoming a parent forces you into…well, another world. As a child-less adult, there are things that you can do on a whim, but once you become a parent many things change – like your ability to grab your keys and run to the store. Now you are herding the kids to the car, fetching one more snack or toy for the car, remembering to grab the diaper bag and so on.

My husband and I came into parenting later in the game. We were 22 when we married the June before he started law school. We had our first child, our son, about three weeks before our 10th wedding anniversary. Our daughter came along almost three years later. And now we are done having kids.  Two is definitely enough. I don’t know how families do it with 3+ kids.

Anyway, let me introduce you to the kiddos. My son, Jase, is 7 years old. He is into Star Wars big time, but if you knew my husband there was no way he wouldn’t be into Star Wars. He practices karate (currently an orange belt) and will be starting the first grade this year.  My daughter, Lexie, is 4 years old. She is into superheroes (Batman is her favorite) and My Little Pony as well as princesses. It is not uncommon in our household to have the ponies and the clone troopers battling together. Lexie will be attending a morning pre-k program this fall. She also has a myriad of health conditions, which will probably be the focus of many posts.

I hope you find the blog about the kiddos just as entertaining and occasionally informative as you do my posts on writing or being an author.  My goal is to post about parenting every Monday so stay tuned.

Welcome to my blog…

This is the very first post on my blog. (I didn’t mean for it to start today, but as I waded through the process of setting up the blog I hit “publish” before I was completely ready. And I can’t figure a way to undo it. So here we go.)

Let me first introduce myself. My name is Susan Leigh Noble, and I am the author of the fantasy trilogy, THE ELEMENTAL.  I started this blog to write about a few things that are important to me. But before we get into that, let me explain the title of this blog.

I chose “Into Another World” because that is what books do. They allow you to enter another time period, another world, another life. You can do anything, be anyone when you are pulled into a book. You could be a soldier during the Revolutionary war, spend time on a pirate ship, explore a distant planet and so much more. There is no limit to the worlds you can visit.

As a reader, I love the feeling of being swept up into the story. And as an author I hope to be able to provide the same experience for my readers. So I chose the title “Into Another World” because for me that embodies what I love about books.

But my life as an author is also balanced with my life as a wife and mother. And really if you think about it when you become a parent, you are thrust into another world. No longer are your days centered on what you want, but now include your children. You have entered a world where your children’s school and activities become part of your daily routine. Becoming a parent changes everything. So for me, the title “Into Another World” also encompasses my life a mom.

So on my blog, I plan to write about both of these things that are very important parts of me. I will cover topics about writing, self-publishing and on raising my children. I hope you find some of what I have to say interesting, amusing or helpful. I just can’t guarantee it will happen all at the same time.