M is for Merlin #AtoZChallenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I have chosen the theme of characters. On my normal blogging days, Monday – parenting, Wednesday – quotes, and Thursday – writing/publishing, I will focus on characteristics. On the other days (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), I will write about characters from movies, TVs or books.

MjpgToday the letter is M which is for Merlin, the protagonist of the BBC fantasy-adventure TV show by the same name. It aired from September 2008 to December 2012.

Merlin (played by Colin Morgan) is a young warlock who must hide his magical powers as magic has been banned in the kingdom. He is the assistant to the court physician as well as the personal servant of Prince Arthur in addition to being a student of magic.

Merlin-merlin-on-bbc-30656230-2560-1707Merlin is a charmingly dorky character. He is at times impatient and frustrated (as are many young people). He also is highly intelligent, thinking on his feet quite a bit while hiding his magic and protecting Prince Arthur and the kingdom. He is a very selfless person and always willing to help a friend. Most often he chose to see the good in people to the extent that his compassion sometimes backfired on him.

If you missed the other days in the A to Z Challenge:

A is for Alice

B is for Belgarath 

C is for Cautious Child

D is for Dana Scully

E is for Enthusiasm (Quote) and Southwestern Eggrolls (Recipe)

F is for Flaky Character 

G is for Gandalf 

H is for Huckleberry Finn

I is for Independence 

J is for Jason Bourne

K is for Kind (Quote)

L is for Lazy Characters