Today’s Featured Author – Danyelle Scroggins

Today I welcome author Danyelle Scroggins to my blog. She is currently on a book tour promoting her book, Put it in Ink, which came out last year.


Please tell the readers who are the main characters?

Put It In Ink is definitely the story that shines a light on Nikiya Barnett a top of the line salon owner and Raja Abrams (businessman). These two were once madly in love with one another until things drastically changed.

Sappora Ink the new talk show host of a syndicated blog talk show (owned by Raja) is a woman with a plan and enough wisdom and knowledge to make the world pay attention. She skillfully sheds light on some situations that causes the women in Salon Select to pay attention.

Monica Abrams is Raja’s wife who has some undercover things going on outside of her marriage.

Michelle and Leslie are both co-workers of Nikiya who are more like sisters. They help in every way they can, even as they experience their own situations in life.

What or is there conflict in the story?

No one could have never imagined that Nikiya and Raja would not be married, and to one another. Just when their storybook romance was blossoming into something great and worth lasting a lifetime, something happens.

Getting over heartache is one of the hardest things but both Nikiya and Leslie lean on one another and God steps in as they learn to trust Him.

Take us inside “your book.” What are two major events taking place?

Raja is caught in a compromising situation that changes the course of not only his life but Nikiya’s life.

Which characters are most like you?

I am a whole lot like Nikiya and she is actually me in my twenties.

Are your characters from the portrayal of real people?

My characters are fiction characters but they are based upon the reality of Christian living.

Describe each character in three words?

Nikiya- Saved, Considerate, Lonely

Raja- Wise, Sad, Productive

Monica- Selfish, Sneaky, Liar

Sappora Ink- Wise, Saved, Knowledgeable

Michelle- Witty, Understanding, Loveable

Leslie- Nosey, Funny, Secretive

If your book became a movie who would play the characters?

Nikiya- Sanaa Lathan

Raja- Lamman Rucker

Monica- Gabrielle Union

Sappora Ink- Debbie Allen

Michelle- Regina Hall

Leslie- Queen Latifah

Your lead characters have “baggage” that keeps them from wanting to pursue a new relationship. Do you think sometimes we let our past get in the way of what God has planned for our futures?

Not sometimes but all the time. We often allow our past baggage to get in the way of our future (what God has in store for us) trying to prevent what has happened in our past. We will never fully move on from the past until we forgive the people that we feel caused the things that has happen and we accept our problems as our process (the avenues to our purpose).

How do you see yourself in your character’s story, if at all?

Nikiya is a lot like me because I experienced the same type of heartbreak with someone whom I just knew I would marry. Like her, I poured all of my energy into something greater and I expected God to move. I wanted to be sure that when God did move, I would know that it so I prayed for discernment.

Book Blurb

Nikiya Barnett aka Nikki, is still secretly suffering in silence concerning losing the love of her life, Raja Abrams. She desires total healing from God, but somehow seems to be stuck in her heart and mind. She alongside her two best friends who happens to be her coworkers, are trying to make Salon Select the new ‘it’ spot but this does not happen until they invite God in, by way of Sappora Ink.

Sappora Ink is the new blog talk show host with a show entitled, RFRT~Real Folks, Real Truths. Sister Ink is a straight to the point, raw, doctrinaire Christian girl trying to help her friends in this sinful world. She is changing the world one show at a time, and taking Shreveport by storm with the help of Nikiya Barnett, the owner of Salon Select, who has opened her salon as a hosting spot. Little does Nikki know, Sappora is closer to Raja than she thinks?

Raja is stuck in a world wind of adversity that he seems to have created for himself. Through R.A.B.~ Raja Abrams Broadcasting, he is trying to secretly for Nikiya and Raja, or is the plan that has been laid before them all a part of God’s plan?make Nikki aware that their time together was not a waste, but will his method be the same method used to change his life forever?

Things happen when we choose to let God in. Whether we appreciate His ways or not, we must remember, His ways are not our ways. Will life change for the better?

About the Author

Pastor/ Author Danyelle is the Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana. She studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology /Biblical Studies from Liberty University, and is presently working on a Master’s in Religious Education from the Liberty University. Pastor Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC and is the author of “His Mistress or God’s Daughter, Not Too Far Gone, Destiny’s Decision, Evonta’s Revenge, & The Power Series: Pain, Restoration, Love, & Forgiving”. She is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins, the mother of three by birth and two by marriage.

You can find out more about Danyelle on her website or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

You can purchase Put it in Ink on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

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