Conflict drives your story

People uid 792345Every story needs some form of conflict. Without conflict there would be nothing to drive the characters and plot forward. It is the character overcoming obstacles that supply the drama, the suspense, the tension in the story.

There are five types of conflict.

Character struggles against another character

This type of conflict, also referred to as man vs. man, is the most obvious form of conflict. This is when a character struggles against another character in the story. This type of conflict can come in the form of arguments, conflicting desires, or opposing goals. The classic “good guy” vs. “bad guy” scenario is an excellent example of this type of conflict.

Character struggles internally

Sometimes you don’t need an outside force to provide the drama and tension in your story. You character can struggle internally with their choices. This is also known as man vs. self. This is where your character faces moral dilemmas and emotional challenges. They can be facing a fear or deciding between an impossible set of choices. This could be a moral conflict of having to choose between honoring family. It is an internal conflict with your character’s conscience.

Character struggles against nature

Sometimes there isn’t a bad guy in the story. Sometimes the struggle is to overcome nature. This type of conflict, also referred to as man vs. nature, is all about dealing things outside our control whether it is the weather or a virus threatening to wipe people out. Stories about the triumph of human spirit over adversity never goes out of fashion.

Examples of this could be your character is stuck in a desolate place (mountainside with no shelter, deserted island) or being attacked by wild dogs, birds or insects. They could be dealing with a plague, famine or virus outbreak. This is anything where your character struggles to survive.

Character struggles against society

When someone’s beliefs go against the societal norms, there will be conflict. It could be discrimination or being repressed by societal pressure. In this type of conflict, known as man vs. society, a character or a group of characters fight against the society in which they live. Examples of this could fighting for your freedom or rights which are being denied by society. It could be a struggle with poverty, political revolution, or social convention.

Character struggles against the supernatural

This one is usually found in certain genres such as fantasy, horror and science fiction. This is where the character struggles against poltergeist, robots, aliens, magic, or supernatural villains. The main character must have the strength (either internal or external) to defeat the fantastic enemy confronting him or her. Included in this area would be man vs. technology (such as computers or machines) and man vs. fate (fighting against destiny).

Now your story can have more than one type of conflict in it. Your main character may have an internal conflict on whether they should fight against their adversary. Just remember you need some type of conflict to move the story forward and to give tension to the plot. With no conflict, there is no story.

11 thoughts on “Conflict drives your story

  1. Daphne (daphodill) says:

    Reblogged this on My Passion's Pen.

  2. Great points here! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Reblogged this on A Writer's Life For Me. and commented:
    Some great points about type of conflict within a story. Points I will have to remember! 🙂

  4. I love stories where the characters fight against nature. There’s nothing quite so exhilarating and fast paced. As you said, this type of story can never go out of fashion. They are the type of story which make me shout at the book in frustration, kind of like I would do to the TV screen 🙂 I’m very annoying like that!

  5. Crystal Barnes says:

    Very helpful and so true. Definitely important to consider conflict when writing a story–it is pretty much the plot of the story 🙂

  6. Topaz says:

    Great breakdown of the many types of conflict. My WIP actually has all five of these in different parts, though the main conflict is man vs. man – it was quite interesting to discover, haha 😉 Thank you so much for this wonderful post!

  7. joyackley says:

    Conflict drives the story, for sure. I am not a novelist, but I try to add conflict to my short stories, no matter how short they are. I am familiar with all the types of conflict you mentioned except for the ;last one, Man against the Supernatural. For those who write in that genre, conflict would absolutely be an element to include.

  8. […] to write down the conflict in just one sentence. (For more on conflict, check out my post on the seven types of conflict.) You also need to consider whether your plot idea has what it takes to last through the length of […]

  9. […] your plot. Make sure there is a compelling question the protagonist needs to answer. Consider the beginning, middle and end of the novel. Now some […]

  10. […] need to overcome some obstacle. (We will cover conflict later but if you want to know more now, check out my post on the five types of […]

  11. Casandra says:

    This is amazing, thanks

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